Saturday, June 09, 2007

Going Home

Sorry for my lack of posting over the last few months. Busy, would not discribe my life right now. For those of you who haven't heard, my father fell in late May and fractured his skull. He bled into his brain a bit, but it isn't as serious as it sounds. He spent two weeks at Barrows in St. Joe's Hospital in Phx. Then he was transferred to Health South rehab in Scottsdale and has now been there for almost two weeks. His condition has improved greatly. The head injury affected his speach, swallowing and his short term memory, but overall he is still my dad. He doesn't remember falling he just remembers sitting on the bed at home and the voice coming out of his mouth being garbled and alien sounding so he called 911. The big lump on his head definitely gave the doctors a clue as to what was going on.

I flew out to Phx a few days after it happened and spent a week there. It became abundantly clear to me that I needed to come and spend the summer there to help him get back on his feet. For the most part the decision was rather simple. I had already planned to quit my job at The Day the week before the wedding in Sept. so quitting a few months early wouldn't be a big deal. I do have a few weddings booked to shoot in Connecticut this summer so I will fly back for those.

I came back to Connecticut for two weeks to wrap things up here. I felt I owed The Day two weeks notice. I leave Sunday for Phoenix very early in the morning.

There are so many things at the house that need to be done that have been a bit neglected since mom died. Dad is so arthritic that big projects have been too daunting for him. So I plan to get the house humming again, help dad through this tough time and hopefully pick up some freelance here and there.

I will also try to keep the blog up. I think this summer is going to be very difficult for my dad and I guess for myself. There is a huge possibility that dad will have to retire and maybe not live at the house anymore. Who knows. I'm trying to be optimistic but I don't think he is happy being alone, but probably won't be happy living anywhere else.


Ann said...


You have to know that you are a wonderful daughter. I admire your strength.
Sending good thoughts to you and your dad.


Debbie said...

Hi Kate,

I am so sorry about your dad's fall. I know it can't be easy figuring everything out, but sounds like you are dealing with things well. It is hard when we have to help people we love cope with issues related to giving up independence. Know that you and your dad are in my prayers.

Call me anytime, if you want to talk.


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