So as many of you know Jason and I have an annual tradition to jump into freezing cold water on New Year's Day, washing away the crud from the year before. Sometimes this is in a sanctioned event for charity or an improvised body of water. This year we were in Phoenix so we substituted the Atlantic for our friend Judy's pool. She took these of us as we dunked our heads three times for good luck and then skeedadalled out.
You guys are nuts.
Tho. I am sure the pool in Phx was more warmer than the Atlantic.
actually not by much. they are both around 40 degrees. but thanks for appreciating our insanity. :O)!
I was going to rank on you for being in the southwest where it is probably warmer...but it has not dropped below 40 up here for several weeks now, so I am not sure I us New Englanders have much room to boast right now.
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