Wednesday, December 21, 2005

the oven, the oven, the oven's on fire...

so i have been told that you can not consider yourself a good cook if you haven't had at least one experience of cooking a turkey and almost burning the house down. now no panic. there were no flames and the bird actually turned out really well in the end. i cooked for jason's family on sunday. my roasting rack seemed to poke a hole in my aluminum pan thus allowing all the juices to drip onto the bottom of the oven which of course burn like crazy. so the whole house fills with smoke and for the first time i understand smoke inhalation. it was pretty thick. plus all of the smoke alarms in the whole building were going off. my worst fear was that the guys across the street at the fire station would hear the alarms and come investigate. that would have been horrible. jason got the burning under control by wiping the bottom of the oven off and also discovered a second aluminum pan that i had squirreled away last year. he really saved the day by finding that because we just set the pan with the hole into the second pan and it worked great. the turkey turned out great. we all joked that it had a great 'smoked' flavor. my stuffing was a little weird to the point where i felt it needed a disclaimer before serving. but got better as leftovers. i have decided that i enjoy having the big dinner the week before xmas. now this week i can just kind of relax a bit and finish last minute baking without the big dinner crescendo to worry about. jason and i have to work xmas day and we are going over to his parent's house for xmas eve. i'm making turkey soup right now from the turkey carcus which smells really good. what little i can smell. i am totally going to try that airborne stuff. i took dayquil yesterday and i swear they must have switched the packaging with the nightquil because i was out after taking it. i had to pull over in the day car to take a nap before i crashed the car. maybe that is why they say not operate heavy machinery.


Erica Kern O'Neill said...

I am glad you pulled over the car...a car crash would have really ruined the holidays! : )

Yum, turkey soup! Can I come over?

JenC said...

ugh... being sick is the worst! i've been getting a lot of colds lately, and my mom (also a former rn) recommended this stuff called zicam. it works a lot like airborne, in that you have to take it right as you start feeling the cold.

when i picked some up at walgreens, three separate customers came up to me and said "that stuff works so well!" so i'm definitely gonna try it next time i get a cold.

Ann said...

I took that Dayquil stuff one time, too. And I felt totally drunk. Luckily I wasn't working that day. But now I never take stuff during the day--just my Airborne and Nyquil at night.
Glad to hear your feast went well. All you people are so domestic and grown-up making families meals. I just go eat what mine or Curt's parents make.

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