Saturday, December 17, 2005

when coffee tastes like chinese

so, after much battling against the crud that jason picked up somewhere, which included mass amounts of vitamin C, zinc lozengers, and gargling with salt water, i have the disease. yes folks time to face the music. i have really been in denial for days but i admit it, i have a cold. yuck. the zinc is funny though. if you have never taken them before, beware. they do affect your taste buds. i am currently drinking coffee that smells great and yummy but tastes like stale chinese food. hopefully all tastebuds will be restored by tomorrow when i make my feast. i am using purell non-stop to make sure i don't infect anyone else. that stuff is wicked on your hands though. i will keep you posted on how the meal goes. last year's turkey was really good which hopefully wasn't just beginner's luck. i'm going to take notes though this year because for some reason last year i felt like i had a better grip on what i am supposed to be doing.


Ann said...

Stale Chinese food coffee, yuck!

A lot of people at work are sick. I starting drinking Airborne during the day and taking Nyquil at night. I was a little congested last week and had a slight sore throat. And I think I have kicked it. I mostly stuck around the house over the weekend.

Erica Kern O'Neill said...

I'm with Ann...Airborne is great. I take it the moment I feel an inkling of ickiness and so far I haven't been sick (watch me get sick now!). And I wash my hands a lot. I was with a sick person this afternoon and hand sanitized my hands as soon as I left her...I don't want her icky sick germs on me!!!

Feel better and good luck cooking!

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