Wednesday, March 22, 2006

nothing new or exciting maybe manilow

so i wish i had something riveting to put here but i don't. i finished my photo galleries for my new website. hopefully my web chica will have it up and running soon. i'll post a new link when it is running. my friend jacqueline's bridal shower was on sunday. it was most lovely.

ok so i'm not usually a watcher of american idol. i usually find ryan seacrest painful, but i just finished watching 'bones' and it is on after that. barry manilow is singing right now and you know he is kind of scary looking these days. his skin has no creases. i can't decide if it is just a face lift or if there has been some significant pealing involved as well. not to mention makeup. he also looks more like martin short's "jimny glick" character minus the fat than himself. weird. what people do to make themselves glam. what, old housewives wouldn't still swoon over mr. manilow if he had a wrinkle or two?


Ann said...

does anyone or did anyone ever think barry manilow was a looker? Ewwww.

kate said...

not really sure about the looker part but i'm sure there have been a few that chucked their undies.

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