Friday, October 21, 2005

birdie...the new addition to our family

today jason picked up his new civic hybrid. it is very cute (sorry, MANLY). it is fun and bizarre to drive. when you come to a stop at a traffic light, as long as you have your foot on the brake the gas engine turns off. so when you go to start up again it feels like driving a really big golf cart. totally silent. the first time i started it up, i thought that maybe i didn't do it right because it made zero noise. the steering takes a bit getting used to. it is kind of stiff because it has electric power stearing instead of whatever normal cars have. also when you brake it stores up the friction caused by the brake pads on the wheels to make the electric engine go. crazy... but for 50 mpg i don't care if it had mouse ears on it and played the ice cream truck song as it went down the street. ok, maybe the "do your ears hang low?" song would make me want to go postal but maybe i could live with it.

oh and i've named it birdie. not sure if it will stick with jason but i'm working on him.


Erica Kern O'Neill said...

You made me laugh out loud. You would be cute driving down the street in a car with mouse ears and ice cream truck music, but I don't think it is Jason's look! Post a picture when you can...I'd love to see you.

Have fun driving. It sounds like a toy car!

Erica Kern O'Neill said...

You made me laugh out loud. You would be cute driving down the street in a car with mouse ears and ice cream truck music, but I don't think it is Jason's look! Post a picture when you can...I'd love to see you.

Have fun driving. It sounds like a toy car!

kate said...

wanted to take a picture today of him with the new cutie but it was raining again and icky cold. soon.

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