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Sunday, February 26, 2006
autism awesome
so you have to check out this story that was on cbs. totally made me tear up but it was amazing.
great shot
oscar the mega grouch
have you ever had one of those days when you really woke up on the wrong side of the bed? you know when, for no reason, you wake up wanting to rip someone's head off. today that was me. i didn't have a weird dream or anything. i got to sleep in until 10ish so it wasn't like i had to get up early. poor jason. he kind of poked me at 10:30 saying it was time to get up and i almost slugged him. talk about suddenly having someone on your hands who just wants to throw things. we went to breakfast and he had to make sure i didn't make a scene. i did get better as the day went on, but i'm still kind of crabby.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
karma kicks my ass
i have a confession to make. maybe if i send it into the vastness of cyberspace karma will give me a freakin break!! yesterday the wind was blown fiercely. it was so strong that when i was out for a walk in the morning it would take my breath away. so i pulled into the parking lot of target, opened my car door, reached for my purse and the wind whipped the door out of my hand and solidly planted it into the door panel of the car next to me. i got out and there was a two inch red streak with a teeny dent in their door. the car was champagne colored so the red was pretty obvious. here is where i really pissed karma off. i tried to rub it off with my finger which did help, but the dent was definitely there to stay. so i moved my car into another parking space...
i know i am so bad!! i went into target and ho hummed in my brain about it. i did go back out to see if the car was still there but they had left.
so for the rest of the afternoon karma had fun with me. i went back into target to get the things i needed. i was smelling the liquid soap to find a new flavor. i popped the lid on one and it totally shot soap up my nose, all over my face and dripping down on my shirt. ick. after bumming some tissues from the pharmacy and whipping myself off, i paid for my stuff and went back outside. the wind, still going strong, blows my cart over onto me as i am trying to put my things in my car. so i am struggling to right the cart when my cute orange hat goes careening across the parking lot. i leave the cart to go get my hat and when i come back it is leaning against my car although the scratch was teeny. then i went to panera bread (like paradise cafe in phx but not even close to being as good) anyway i got food to go and i was walking out of the place, the wind whipped the bag out of my hand making it crash on the ground where my styrofoam container of soup explodes all over the place. they did give me new soup so it wasn't as sad as it could have been.
i told someone at work about this and she said that bad karma always kicks 3 times so maybe i'm done. or maybe the hoodoo of the internet confession will wave the dark cloud away.
i know i am so bad!! i went into target and ho hummed in my brain about it. i did go back out to see if the car was still there but they had left.
so for the rest of the afternoon karma had fun with me. i went back into target to get the things i needed. i was smelling the liquid soap to find a new flavor. i popped the lid on one and it totally shot soap up my nose, all over my face and dripping down on my shirt. ick. after bumming some tissues from the pharmacy and whipping myself off, i paid for my stuff and went back outside. the wind, still going strong, blows my cart over onto me as i am trying to put my things in my car. so i am struggling to right the cart when my cute orange hat goes careening across the parking lot. i leave the cart to go get my hat and when i come back it is leaning against my car although the scratch was teeny. then i went to panera bread (like paradise cafe in phx but not even close to being as good) anyway i got food to go and i was walking out of the place, the wind whipped the bag out of my hand making it crash on the ground where my styrofoam container of soup explodes all over the place. they did give me new soup so it wasn't as sad as it could have been.
i told someone at work about this and she said that bad karma always kicks 3 times so maybe i'm done. or maybe the hoodoo of the internet confession will wave the dark cloud away.
Monday, February 20, 2006
so excited!!
so my website is really coming along. i finished the bio and philosophy sections this weekend and just sent those off to the designer. now comes the big hurtle of finishing up the photo galleries. i went to my first bridal show this weekend. i didn't have a booth there yet. not quite ready for something that grand. but my goal is to have all my sample books all set to go next year. so mostly i was just there to spy. there was only one photographer out of maybe 6 or 7 that were there that was not a complete joke. i kept wanting to run up and down the aisles with a big sign saying don't give your money to these people!! you are being ripped off!! and the photos are BAD!@!!!!@. there was this one guy that had a huge framed print that was of this couple that had this crazy starburst comet looking thing on it. it looked like in photoshop they had put this comet mask thing over the image and then printed it. ick!!! there is one up in hartford next weekend that i might go to. hopefully that one will be better.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
i'm melting...
so our big nor'easter blizzard that rocked new england is mostly gone. it was 60 today. i photographed an interesting woman today who makes contemplative bead work. a.k.a. rosaries and hindu prayer beads. they are stunning. i also photographed a holocaust survivor today who was fascinating. her story was so moving. she kept getting choked up as she spoke of her mother and others who were executed. she was 17 when she entered the concentration camp. when i was 17 my biggest problems were boys and zits. she talked about how they rounded everyone up who was 30 or older and walked them to a big hole and then just mowed them down. gives you goose bumps. sorry didn't mean to bum you out. she was living history.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
i really love this word. it is so perfect for what it discribes. although at the moment i would rather be eating a blizzard than watching it outside my window. mmm.. that sounds yummy. i have a really great photo which i will post later of ice crystals forming on the condensation on one of our windows. i think if we had good insulated windows this wouldn't happen but hey not our problem since we don't pay for heat. i made tortilla soup this afternoon for dinner and listened to cuban music all day so i'm battling the nor'easter in my own way. it snowed all night and is still wailing at 5:20pm. i would guess there is about a foot plus a little more so far. i don't think it will be as big as the BIGGIE we had last year with 4ft drifts. the dog across the street was out a little while ago and it was pretty funny watching him try to walk in the snow that was up to his belly. his owner had to come scoop him up because he was stuck. he's a pit bull but farely sweet.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
new week
sorry to leave a sad post hanging for so long. i am in a much better mind set this week. jason and i went to his parents to watch the super bowl on sunday. it was so great to see the steelers win. jason and his dad had a good bonding experience. of course there were a couple of moments that they were having coronaries, like when roethlisberger was super nervous and throwing the ball away. anywho, i made chili (which turned out great, for those of you who i debated the freshness of my roast with.) no one got sick. i actually highly recommend if you make a pot roast in one of those oven bags, dump an envelope of chili mix and a 1/4 of water in with it, bake at 350 for an hour and 40 min. yummy!! i cubed it and then made my chili the way i usually do minus the hamburger. it was fabulous!!
Friday, February 03, 2006
mom's day
today is the two year anniversary of mom's death. it is so weird. it seems like something that happened years ago, yet i'm always shocked by the thought like it was yesterday. i know i'm not the only one who has ever lost someone close. i can't even fathom losing a loved one in an act of violence like war or a car crash or something. it just seems like it would be so much worse. and this is bad enough. thanks to everyone who called or sent email today. it helped. i know i didn't get back to everyone, but it wasn't always a moment i felt like talking. love you.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
feel better frida

while i'm not going to claim that i am completely cured from my 3-0 freak out (it is only feb.), i do feel better. today i put on my favorite frida kahlo t-shirt. i love this shirt. deb and i bought it at a cinco de mayo festival a couple of years ago in phx. as an artist and a woman she is such an inspiration. i doubt she worried when she turned 30.
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