Sunday, February 12, 2006


i really love this word. it is so perfect for what it discribes. although at the moment i would rather be eating a blizzard than watching it outside my window. mmm.. that sounds yummy. i have a really great photo which i will post later of ice crystals forming on the condensation on one of our windows. i think if we had good insulated windows this wouldn't happen but hey not our problem since we don't pay for heat. i made tortilla soup this afternoon for dinner and listened to cuban music all day so i'm battling the nor'easter in my own way. it snowed all night and is still wailing at 5:20pm. i would guess there is about a foot plus a little more so far. i don't think it will be as big as the BIGGIE we had last year with 4ft drifts. the dog across the street was out a little while ago and it was pretty funny watching him try to walk in the snow that was up to his belly. his owner had to come scoop him up because he was stuck. he's a pit bull but farely sweet.

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